A research into lao zi s yin yang thought 老子阴阳思想探析
Jasper is used for the liver , gallbladder , stomach , and for balancing yin yang energies 红碧石能减轻产妇生产时的痛楚,并保母子平安。
The most common graphic representation of taoist theology is the circular yin yang figure 道教理论的最普遍图形表示就是阴和阳循环的圆形图像。
The tai chi curves deriving from the deformation of three " yin yang ( negative and positive ) fish " formed the circular " tai he emblem ( emblem of supreme harmony ) " of china re 三条太极阴阳鱼变形而成的太极曲线,组成了圆型的中再集团"太和标" 。
The doctrine of yin yang - five elements , viscera - state , pathogenic factor , principle of treatment and method of treatment were all established on the basis of theory of relation 中医学的阴阳五行、藏象、病因学说和治则治法学说,都是建立在关系理论基础上的。
In some representations the serpent is shown as half light and half dark , echoing symbols such as the yin yang , which illustrates the dual nature of all things , but more importantly , that these opposites are not in conflict 在一些表示里面,大毒蛇表现为半黑半白,就像阴和阳象征的反射现象,代明了万物的二元性,但更重要的是,这些对立面并不冲突
Differentiation of syndromes according to the zang - fu theories a differential method by which symptoms and signs are analysed to clarity the cause , the location and nature of disease as well as the conditions between vital qi and pathogens in light of the theories viscera figure ( manifestation ) , yin yang and five elements 脏腑辨证是一种根据脏象、阴阳和五行理论通过症状和征象对疾病的根源、位置和性质以及正邪状态进行分析和归类的辨证方法。